Saturday, June 25, 2011

Red Dog Routine

Zuzu and Tootie are all about routine. Up at first daylight, outside to do their morning business, back in for a breakfast helping of warmed brown rice with either chicken gizzards or thighs mixed with some dry kibble, then off to the lanai for the post meal nap. 

One could accurately assert that Zuzu and Tootie have developed their daily rituals by observing our routines. We are very much creatures of habit and find comfort in the predictable. Up at the same time every morning, feed the girls, relax on the lanai with a cup of coffee and read about the latest dysfunction or the newest scandal reported in the Key West Citizen as well as savor the comments of the daily grumblers and malcontents in the Citizen's Voice column.

The morning routine.

It is very familiar to Zuzu as she heads for the patio door (which is sadly closed during the humid summer months) after she eats her breakfast and patiently waits for us to open it with coffee cups and newspaper in hand. 

Zuzu and Tootie will spend the morning either hanging outside and sleeping on the lanai, or sprawled out on the bed in our bedroom. Occasionally, they'll hang out with us in the office while we work.

Lunch time...back on the lanai where we eat the usual, granola, plain yogurt, and a piece of fruit, and Zuzu and Tootie are at our heels knowing they'll get a little snack, too.

Tootie has a built in clock set perfectly to her stomach. Starting around 5:30pm, she'll come into the office and start barking, letting us know that it's time for dinner. We tell her not now and five minutes later she's back, barking once again. This continues until their dinner time, around 6:00pm. After dinner, the ritual continues with a mandatory car ride and, when the mosquitos aren't too thick, a walk around the Bat Tower. Tootie and Zuzu enjoy their car rides as they get to tear into a cardboard box or tube filled with gizzards and treats during the ride. 

Zuzu and Tootie have come a long way from their days spent hiding in the closet only making an appearance at meal time. The slowly progressed from the closet to the bedroom to spending more and more time with us. Now, they follow our every move and sometimes compete for our laps and attention. They are still not without their issues. Zuzu still fears the dark, needing a lot of encouragement and the lure of a gizzard to go outside before bed. Zuzu also fears thunderstorms, but her reaction to storms is improving. She no longer runs and hides in the closet at the first sound of thunder; instead, they retreat to the kitchen or find us for comfort and reassurance.

Zuzu and Tootie still react to change with caution. They much prefer the expected, the routine. Any deviation from the routine is cause for concern in their minds, but change is good. With minor changes in the daily routine from time to time, they are beginning to realize that what is different, new, or unexpected is not bad. These experiences, we believe, will only make them stronger and more confident.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's almost time for the evening routine...relaxing on the sofa with Zuzu and Tootie snoozing on the rug at our feet while we work through the latest crime drama series available on Netflix instant view.

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