Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday at Snipe Point with Michael (Conchscooter), Layne, Therese, and the dogs. After a week of on and off thunderstorms that terrorized Zuzu and Tootie, we set off this fantastic Saturday morning for Snipe Point. The wind was 10mph out of the southeast providing for perfect anchorage, and the tide was low at 12:30 allowing for plenty of shallow water for swimming. 

While Layne and Therese, her friend visiting from Europe, were lounging in the 85 degree gulf water, the boys set up the chairs on the beach under a nice shade tree, either a white mangrove or a buttonwood, we couldn't decide.

Zuzu, Tootie, and Cheyenne joined us, not too interested in swimming, more interested in exploring the deserted island.

Our camp was amid several interesting driftwood sculptures rising out of the sand. I thought this one framed Zuzu perfectly. The tide was particularly low this morning, exposing much more sand than I had seen. With no water to walk the boat in towards shore, we had to shlep the chairs, cooler, and snacks across the sand flat to our shady spot on the beach.

We set off to explore around the corner. The beach ended where the mangroves began, but the water was shallow enough to stump along the vegetation.

Michael and Cheyenne stayed close to the shore line with Zuzu and Tootie following. Wayne and I ventured off into the open area looking for horseshoe crabs and treasure. When Zuzu and Tootie noticed that we weren't behind them the set off towards us across the shallow water at full speed.

This is a usual scene...Wayne walking through the shallow water looking for shells with Zuzu and Tootie following behind.

We met up with Michael and Cheyenne.

And headed back to the chairs and to the bag of potato chips!

A quiet and relaxing morning. Michael was quite content enjoying this beautiful day and thinking very little about having to head into work at 5:00pm.

Cheyenne found a shady spot under a tree (the white mangrove or buttonwood tree). If you look closely, you'll see her under the branches blending in with the sand.

Wayne relaxed a bit on a piece of driftwood. Zuzu and Tootie close by. After some silence, Wayne exclaimed that next time we were to bring the hammock so we could string it between two trees on the beach. Now that would be living!

Zuzu and Tootie chillin' on the beach.

It was a glorious day. Hard to believe that in a week's time we could be facing a tropical storm or hurricane. But for now, we'll take this perfect day on the water.

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