Friday, October 28, 2011

Another Canine Country Adventure

Taking Zuzu and Tootie to Canine Country each time we visit St. Louis is becoming a tradition, and we are very grateful to Val for inviting us and the girls for an afternoon of romping and play. When we arrived, Val was working with a vizsla on his hunting skills using a carrier pigeon on loan from a friend. She had, in fact, more than a dozen with her and, when it was time to pack up, she released them all. Without hesitation, they all veered towards the east for their twenty or so mile flight back to their home. Amazing.
We let the dogs romp in this small field before loading them up in the cars to head up to the larger area with the pond. To our amazement, Zuzu and Tootie lept into Paul and Susan's car with their three vizslas leaving us to drive alone in our car. Geez, they chose their foster buddies over us! That's okay, we're so happy they are finally feeling confident enough to make their own decisions.

Not sure how Paul and  Susan felt having five rambunctious hounds in their car, but at least the trip wasn't far.

Zuzu seemed to enjoy hanging her head out the car window. Something she can't do in our car since the rear windows on the Element don't roll down.

They were happy, happy, eager to go running and exploring in this familiar territory.

The gang ran down to the pond and Tootie joined the others in the water. Not Zuzu, she preferred the view from dry land.

Dash was persistent in showing his affection for Tootie. Yes, even in the water he will make an attempt to please...himself more than her. Tootie's so nice, though. She doesn't growl or snip at him. She just stands there looking at us to save her.

We moved away from another breed group at the beach to the dock.

No takers on jumping in for a swim. Except for Dash. Although, he was thrown in for mounting Tootie, again. The cold bath didn't dissuade him, however, as he climbed back on the dock and back on Tootie.

Zuzu above seems to be talking with one of the boys.

While Tootie continues to seek refuge from the horny one.

"Let's walk around the lake," Val suggested, so off we went with our large pack of red dogs.

There were a lot of interesting smells. Even one by the shoreline that was sooo smelly good that Dash had to roll in it. Maybe the new scent will change Tootie's mind.

While he was rolling in his new "cologne," the girls were playing tag with each other.

Zuzu was having a good time, smiling as she usually does when she's happy.

It was a great day for a stroll and the dogs seemed to be getting a little tired. Success!

Zuzu and Tootie hanging faithfully with their daddy.

They were enjoying the day.

Wayne paused for a minute to talk to his girls.

Hmm, one of the boys had to come over to see what the girls were getting. Could it be a treat?

Soon the other boys, Zolt, Dash, and Ready made their way over to see what Wayne was giving away. Aww, just pats on the head and some lovin'. That made them happy.

Neck scratches for everyone.

And then it was time to head back to the house. Tired girls. They slept soundly all the way back.

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