Monday, January 4, 2010

First Morning

It sure was a quick night. I woke up around 3:45 when I heard Tootie hop off of the bed. When she headed for the bedroom door, our dads got up, too. They went with us out in the backyard so we could go potty (really fast because it was really cold) and once back inside, we all went back to our warm beds. My blanket felt awfully nice after being out in the cold dark morning. Tootie hopped back up into bed to find her warm spot on the down comforter. Life is good.

It was still dark when we all got up again, went out for another quick potty, and, after exploring the basement (more about this later) it was time for breakfast. My sister is always ready to eat. She knows that food comes out of that tall rectangular silver box and there is sometimes food left on the counter tops. She has already been caught with her front paws on the counter checking out the various treasures that await on top. Dad is pretty good about not leaving anything out for the taking, though. I'm still getting used to eating here. The meals sure do taste good, and Tootie sure doesn't waste any time devouring her meal, but I'm still a bit more tentative. After breakfast, we went back outside to the front yard this time. These guys must like the cold because they sure do take us outside a lot. This time, my sister did have to go potty, but not me. I was ready to go back into the warmth before we headed out!

We found our spot in the office. Our dads prepared us a nice bed under a table in there so we can sleep while they work.

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