Thursday, January 7, 2010


I woke up around 4:45 a.m. to check the weather out the window and to look at the school closing list on TV. After a brief 5:00 a.m. phone consultation with our head of school, we decided to join the rest of the metropolitan area school administrators and cancel classes for the day to the delight, I'm sure, of our students and teachers.

Zuzu stirred from her crate and promptly took my spot in bed next to Tootie once I got out of bed to begin making my phone calls. Our girls were not very anxious to leave the warmness and softness of the down comforter to experience the cold, blowing snow outside.

Later this morning, we thought they would enjoy a brief walk around the block in the snow. After donning layer upon layer for our trek in the snow, we put their coats on their backs and hooked them up...and we were back inside in less than 5 minutes.

Here's a photo of their preferred view of the snow...

and another of them keeping a watchful eye on dad as he shovels the walk.

We are going to stay in for the rest of the day, I think. It's a good day to settle in on the sofa and watch a movie.

Stay warm...

Posted by C

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